Sunday, May 10, 2009
The newest release from Activision is here, and it is starring good old Wolverine. Not many people were sure about how successful this game would be, but reviews are in, and people really liked it. It is rated M for Mature, and it is only one player but it comes to as close to the actual character as possible. There is a lot of fighting, blood, and shiny claws. Sounds like Wolverine to me. Reviews said the game was a good time and "Players will be pouncing on enemies, removing limbs and performing a variety of awesome looking moves from beginning to end." If that's your kind of game...go for it! The game is out for PS3 and Xbox 360. Get yours now!
Soul Calibur for PSP!
The newest installment of the legendary Soul Calibur is here, and its for the PSP. The new portable version is called Soul Calibur: Broken Destiny and the new game features new game modes, 30+ characters, new stages, character customization, and easy gaming on the PSP. This new version will be great for those who love to play the game away from their televisions, especially because it has all the new characters and new levels. The characters the original one had were already some favorites. This game is yet to be released but it looks very promising!
Fight! Fight! Fight!

Back to talking about best sellers! Right now at the top of the list is UFC 2009 Undisputed. This game is all about the mixed martial arts that is so popular right now. There are several characters to choose from and you get to fight all of them to get to the championship. The graphics are realistic and moves are consistent with what is really seen in UFC fighting. Fans who love watching the sport gave different reviews and most enjoyed the game very much. UFC 2009 is the very first mixed martial arts game released since 2004. It also features real fighters like Mauricio Rua and Chuck Liddell. The game is set to release May 19th, 2009 for both Xbox 360 and PS3. My copy is on its way.
Punch Out!!!
So I gave a list of new releases a couple of days ago, and I wanted to talk about one of the games on that last. Its Punch Out!! for the Wii and it is based on their first version of the game on the classic Nintendo. The gameplay is very much like the old version-- "you can attack your opponent with body blows to the left or right, or high jabs to the head in either direction too. You can dodge either way to evade your foe's attacks, and duck down to make his swings hit nothing but the air over your head." All the movements are also controlled the same way, so it would be better to play this game on the Wii with the classic controller. Its really cool how much this newly released Wii game is like the very first arcade version of Punch Out! So if you were a fan then, you will be satisfied with the new one! Available Now.
Zombies Attack!
I wanted to talk about a newly released game. Its called Zombie Wranglers! The game is clearly for a younger group, so its very far from zombie games like Resident Evil. It has bright colors, fun levels, and child like weapons to get rid of the zombies. It really looks like fun but it did disappoint those zombie lovers who wanted something more like Left 4 Dead (big success)! There are different levels where you choose a character, all which are children...Then you try and wrangle the zombies while finding money and hidden prizes all around the level. The game is more fun when playing co-op and they also offer a multi player option on Xbox live. Though this may sound great, we should leave this game to the kiddies :)
Crazy story! So a 6 year old from Norway named Christer decided he was sick and tired of his name so he wanted to change it to Sonic X. They don't know why he wanted to add the X part to it, but that was his demand. He wrote a letter to the Norwegian King requesting a name change and the king replied! He said that unfortunately he couldn't change the child's name. Not because it was a ridiculous request, but because he was not old enough to make that request. The child was sad but said he would contact the King again in 12 years. True story. Look it up!
More Spinning!
So going back to the DJ thing. Just found out some juicy news! Looks like Guitar Hero developers who recently brought up DJ Hero, aren't the only ones ready to turn some tables! Ha. Sorry...Anyway, Cloud 9 has been talking about developing their own DJ Game for the Wii, and it is said to be based on DJ champ Armin van Buuren who is going to help develop the game. It is supposed to be based on his trance music tracks. Looks like a DJ competition is on!
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Fresh New Games!
Here is an awesome list of the newest games to be released this wonderful month of May...Enjoy!!
1. Damnation
2. Klonoa
3. Battlestations Pacific
3. Sacred 2
4. Punch out!!
5. UFC Undisputed
6. Fuel
and more, but these seemed like the best ones. We will see. Many of these are going to be released for multiple game systems, but some are exclusive to the Wii, PS3, Xbox 360 and even PSP.
1. Damnation
2. Klonoa
3. Battlestations Pacific
3. Sacred 2
4. Punch out!!
5. UFC Undisputed
6. Fuel
and more, but these seemed like the best ones. We will see. Many of these are going to be released for multiple game systems, but some are exclusive to the Wii, PS3, Xbox 360 and even PSP.
Pon Pata Pon!
Recently I was reading around some video game websites and their reviews to find new games to try out. I read a review about a game called Patapon. After reading about it and finding out a little more, I decided to purchase it. I loved it! This game is super fun and would appeal to all ages with its fun colors, cute characters, and challenging levels. There is Patapon 2 that released May 6th and is now available, which was said to be the same as the original with just an expansion in levels and adventures. I have yet to try that one but I will get it as soon as I finish the first. This game is all about giving a pattern of drum beats and rhythm to give commands to the Patapon characters. These little guys are cute and tough troopers, which makes this game even more addicting!
Hit it!
So speaking about spin offs and Guitar Hero, I want to discuss the newest spin off from the Activision heroes themselves. This is a spin off game, literally though. It is called DJ Hero and will feature a controller shaped like a turntable, to spin! Its finally here for all you people out there who have always wanted to see what exactly its like to be a DJ! Though it seems like a cool idea, not too many people are psyched about this game, and I think it might have to do with the fact that not many people have any idea how this thing works! I know I'm going to give it a try. This picture was released recently, but it is not confirmed that this is the final product, and a release date has yet to be announced. I will keep you updated...
Guitar Hero----->Television Series?
So it has been rumored lately that the Guitar Hero success just was not enough for the creators so they are creating a television series out of the game. Not many details about the show itself have been released, but it has also been hinted that there will be a concert tour developing from the game after the television series ends. Who knows how that will go for them. I can't even imagine what kind of series for television could be spun off of Guitar Hero. Maybe a tournament? Who knows, we will see if its all true soon enough. See you guys around!
Multiplayer Bioshock?!
Here is an update on one of the best games released recently! Bioshock 2 has been around for a while now, and it is still going strong with sales doing great and gamers giving great reviews. For those of you that don't know Bioshock, let me tell you a little bit about the game. Basically its about a man who discovers a secret underwater city, named Rapture, and he is trying to create the perfect Utopian society within this city. The only problem is how dysfunctional that whole plan is, because the city is the complete opposite of that idea. So throughout the game, the guy is just on his journey to better the whole place. Sounds cheesy, but the game is actually really interesting, and I'm sure many of you first timers would love it after a few tries. This game has had a lot of success, winning game of the year since its first release, and gaining lots of fans around the world. Anyways, the latest update on this game is that the creator has announced that they are working on getting a multiplayer option, which appeals to a lot of players. Multiplayer is always a plus! It is said to expand the story line with this new feature, and give gamers experience points, for new weapons and other cool unlocks. So look forward to that release! Later!
Machines, Machinery, and Mechanics
Me again! So I have been playing this game on my computer lately called Crazy Machines. It is a very different game from those I am used to playing, falling into a genre known as physics simulators. They give you different parts to machines and give you a goal to reach by putting the parts together so that they work as a whole. There are rubber bands, gears, steam pipes, magnets, fire, even dynamite! Its a really fun game that makes you think...a lot. Point is, there is a new release coming soon called Professor Heinz Wolff's Gravity. This game is a lot like the one I mentioned, but with different parts and fun eerie backgrounds. This game has many different goals to try and reach and is something everyone should try out. Its a great way to exercise your brain...we all need to that once in a while!
Thursday, May 7, 2009
I'm back! So last post I was talking about highest video games in sales, and today I thought I would let you know what video game is the best of the best hands down, at least according to the video game award givers. Left 4 Dead, the fun and enthusiastic video game that Zombie lovers must have has been voted the BEST! It won Video Game of the Year and has now released a "Game of the Year" edition for everyone else who hasn't already bought it. Some details about this oh so great game are that its rated M for Mature because of its blood and gore, intense violence, language. It is a first person shooter and has online game play available for groups of 8 and 4 if you want to go Co-op. It is also available on PC, and only costs $60. So if you haven't tried that game, I suggest you do, because even the judges agree, its a terrifying but really fun game that gives that adrenaline rush to those who seek it!
Still going strong!
Hey guys, so I promised some updates on the highest rated video games out there, and I thought it would be great to provide you with a list of the SALES rankings for video games. Here is the most updated list for you guys!
01. Resident Evil 5 (X360) - 938,000
02. Pokemon Platinum (DS) - 805,000
03. Halo Wars (X360) - 639,000
04. Resident Evil 5 (PS3) - 585,000
05. Wii Fit (Wii) - 541,000
06. MLB 09: The Show (PS3) - 305,000
07. Killzone 2 (PS3) - 296,000
08. Wii Play (Wii) - 281,000
09. Mario Kart Wii (Wii) - 278,000
10. MLB 2K9 (X360) - 205,000
So as you can see, the new resident evil is dominating the market right now, but it looks like Mario Kart is still going strong since its been on the charts the longest! Keep it up Mario!
01. Resident Evil 5 (X360) - 938,000
02. Pokemon Platinum (DS) - 805,000
03. Halo Wars (X360) - 639,000
04. Resident Evil 5 (PS3) - 585,000
05. Wii Fit (Wii) - 541,000
06. MLB 09: The Show (PS3) - 305,000
07. Killzone 2 (PS3) - 296,000
08. Wii Play (Wii) - 281,000
09. Mario Kart Wii (Wii) - 278,000
10. MLB 2K9 (X360) - 205,000
So as you can see, the new resident evil is dominating the market right now, but it looks like Mario Kart is still going strong since its been on the charts the longest! Keep it up Mario!
Its about time...
So, on a more serious note. TEXAS, has proposed a bill which I think many gamers out there will highly appreciate, especially female and children gamers. "Legislators in Texas have proposed a bill that would expand what registered sex offenders would be required to disclose, including the release of online screen names." This I think is a tremendous idea, because of the ease of access to many people through online game play nowadays. Many people have been harassed by those who talk to them when they're playing online. I personally have experienced this sort of discomfort, dealing with people who might not necessarily be sex offenders, but do cross the line form time to time. If sex offenders can harass people on a computer, they probably can do it through their game system. This bill forcing sex offenders to register their gamer tags would establish much more control and would surely make many gamers feel safer. Phew!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Touch it!

Hey guys. Here to update you on the latest and greatest. Konami, legendary for its Metal Gear saga, has released the complete version of Metal Gear Solid Touch for the iPhone and iPod touch. This awesome version of the game includes eight mission stages, 20 new wallpapers and language support for different languages. The game is now released and at $8. Its ready for purchase in your app store and its only a touch away!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Its back!

ITS BACK!! I'm sure some of you gamers have heard about a little game known as...MARVEL VS. CAPCOM?! Yeah, I know, its not little at all! Its finally back and better than ever. The all new game is now called Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New age of heroes and is set to release in the Summer of 2009 for PS3 and Xbox 360. I can't wait! The all new game has all kinds of exciting features I think you guys should know about. First off, its in HD, just to make your experience 100 times better with the sweet graphics it now features! It also is going to have over 50 Marvel and Capcom characters, which is sure to keep you interested for a while. I can't wait to see what new characters they have, though my favorites will probably still be the old ones like Ryu, Gambit, Spiderman and of course Wolverine. The new game also features an online multiplayer option where you can play with friends locally or from the other side of the world! This is probably the game I will be anticipating more than any other, and you should definitely get it as soon as it hits stores!

Hellooo. So there has been a lot of hype lately about the newest upcoming release known as Banjo-Tooie! This game has been talked about left and right and secret trailers and previews have been found in the past month just exciting gamers more and more. The release date is set for manana (TOMORROW) April 29th and so many people have already reserved their copy. The game is going to be release for Xbox Live, which is a big change from the very first Banjo-Kazooie games on Nintendo 64. Here are some facts about the all new Xbox game. Banjo the bear and Kazooie the bird are now a single player team. Some changes for the characters are that instead of there being a standard double jump, Banjo-Tooie has what they call “flight assistance” for Banjo with Kazooie using his wings to fly. Attacks also changed in that they are now together in this new game and the team now knocks enemies out with more Banjo rolls and jumping smashes, and the bird attack with its beak.Banjo-Tooie is also placed high on the comedic entertainment value list since there are various jokes throughout and a lot of comedic relief in the game play and the cut scenes. I'm sure those who have played this game before already know how fun it can be...and if you've never played it...pick it up tomorrow and try it out!
Holy Ps3

Hey guys whats up! So lately I've been playing a lot of video games on my favorite gaming system, the PS3. This guy is very special to me since I've been a Playstation girl from the beginning. There's always all kinds of competition between the other systems like Xbox and Nintendo and what not, but the point of this blog is to tell you guys about the various kinds of PS3s out there. There are diamond encrusted PS3s, some made exclusively for certain games like the one that was made for Metal Gear Solid 4, which was my favorite, and there are also some outright weird ones. The one I'm featuring today, is a PS3 bundle that comes with several video games, and...a BIBLE!! Yeah, the Bible. Weird I know. I'm not too sure what message they were trying to convey when bundling video games with the Bible, but it sure got a lot of attention. The picture I'm showing is one that was taken in Poland where the rare bundle was first spotted. The book on it says Pismo Swiete, which means Holy Bible in Polish. It hasn't been said whether or not this bundle will be released in the U.S., but I do wonder, were they trying to sell more to church goers...and if so...why???
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Mario Kart DS -
So lately I have been playing Mario Kart DS so I decided that would be perfect for my first review!
Mario Kart DS is the latest iteration of the Mario Kart Series on the DS. Recently Mario Kart Wii has been released as the sequel to this game.
When you start the game you have your choice of single player modes including Grand Prix, Time Trials, VS, Battle, and Missions. The Grand Prix is the primary mode and is where you will spend most of your time. After selecting this you are given a difficulty level choice. After this you can choose from your choice of karts. Two are available initally but there are alot of unlockables. Finally you get to choose your race. There are eight cups, four are in the Nitro Prix and four are in the Retro Grand Prix. Initally 2 are locked in each. The Nitro Grand Prix is made up of completely new tracks for the game and the Retro Grand Prix, as the name implies, is composed of tracks from classic Mario Karts going all the way at the back to the Super Nintendo.
The real beauty of the game can be seen on the track. Once you start racing the game is quite addictive in its simplicity. Randomly on the tracks there are boxes with weapons in them. The weapons are the real X-factor in the game. The further back you are in the pack, the stronger the weapons are. The gold mushroom gives you a temporary unlimited boost. There are numerous other weapons but the most devastating is the Spiny "Blue" Shell. When used it launches above the track and shoots to the front and explodes on the leader of the race. It is completely unavoidable.
The multiplayer mode is also very good. Using the DS Download Play feature, you can play with any friend that has a DS on a limited number of tracks and if your friend has the game then the tracks and characters are unlimited for play. Once you get to racing it is very similar to the single player in gameplay but with the added fun of going head to head with your friends. Battling to win and trying to avoid banana peels, its hard to pry yourself away from it. With its long pedigree, over 30 tracks, 12 characters, 36 karts...the game is limitless. You can even play against other players over the internet via Nintendo WiFi Connect.
Overall this game is excellent. Mario Kart DS is challenging whilst remaining fun. With added unlockables it has great replay value. The multi-player is really the icing on the cake.
-On a sidenote, My roommate and I have been working on these awesome plastic canvas projects of old video game characters and using their sprites as patterns. They're fun and super cute!
So lately I have been playing Mario Kart DS so I decided that would be perfect for my first review!
Mario Kart DS is the latest iteration of the Mario Kart Series on the DS. Recently Mario Kart Wii has been released as the sequel to this game.
When you start the game you have your choice of single player modes including Grand Prix, Time Trials, VS, Battle, and Missions. The Grand Prix is the primary mode and is where you will spend most of your time. After selecting this you are given a difficulty level choice. After this you can choose from your choice of karts. Two are available initally but there are alot of unlockables. Finally you get to choose your race. There are eight cups, four are in the Nitro Prix and four are in the Retro Grand Prix. Initally 2 are locked in each. The Nitro Grand Prix is made up of completely new tracks for the game and the Retro Grand Prix, as the name implies, is composed of tracks from classic Mario Karts going all the way at the back to the Super Nintendo.
The real beauty of the game can be seen on the track. Once you start racing the game is quite addictive in its simplicity. Randomly on the tracks there are boxes with weapons in them. The weapons are the real X-factor in the game. The further back you are in the pack, the stronger the weapons are. The gold mushroom gives you a temporary unlimited boost. There are numerous other weapons but the most devastating is the Spiny "Blue" Shell. When used it launches above the track and shoots to the front and explodes on the leader of the race. It is completely unavoidable.
The multiplayer mode is also very good. Using the DS Download Play feature, you can play with any friend that has a DS on a limited number of tracks and if your friend has the game then the tracks and characters are unlimited for play. Once you get to racing it is very similar to the single player in gameplay but with the added fun of going head to head with your friends. Battling to win and trying to avoid banana peels, its hard to pry yourself away from it. With its long pedigree, over 30 tracks, 12 characters, 36 karts...the game is limitless. You can even play against other players over the internet via Nintendo WiFi Connect.
Overall this game is excellent. Mario Kart DS is challenging whilst remaining fun. With added unlockables it has great replay value. The multi-player is really the icing on the cake.
-On a sidenote, My roommate and I have been working on these awesome plastic canvas projects of old video game characters and using their sprites as patterns. They're fun and super cute!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Welcome All!
Hey everyone! Thanks for visiting! This is Karina...and this is my video game blog! I want to start with a little intro to what this place is going to be all about. First of all, I love video games and I am probably one of the only girls around here who loves video games and is actually really really good at them :) I play all kinds of genres, and love to get the newest releases and pretty much conquer them. SO, I have decided to take you guys a little further into the gaming world to discuss the highest rated, the newest releases, and even go old school with everyone's favorite little guy...Mario! Who doesn't love him?! So sit back, relax, and get ready for a fun ride to the virtual world of G-A-M-E-S!!!
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