Hey guys whats up! So lately I've been playing a lot of video games on my favorite gaming system, the PS3. This guy is very special to me since I've been a Playstation girl from the beginning. There's always all kinds of competition between the other systems like Xbox and Nintendo and what not, but the point of this blog is to tell you guys about the various kinds of PS3s out there. There are diamond encrusted PS3s, some made exclusively for certain games like the one that was made for Metal Gear Solid 4, which was my favorite, and there are also some outright weird ones. The one I'm featuring today, is a PS3 bundle that comes with several video games, and...a BIBLE!! Yeah, the Bible. Weird I know. I'm not too sure what message they were trying to convey when bundling video games with the Bible, but it sure got a lot of attention. The picture I'm showing is one that was taken in Poland where the rare bundle was first spotted. The book on it says Pismo Swiete, which means Holy Bible in Polish. It hasn't been said whether or not this bundle will be released in the U.S., but I do wonder, were they trying to sell more to church goers...and if so...why???